Specifying Degree Requirements

ACADEMICPLAN: &academic_plan_defaults
      note: |
        this is the base plan that should be overridden by specific plan description. include these default fields by adding "<<: *academic_plan_defaults" as first item in inheriting plans
      plan_code: ACADEMICPLAN
      name: "Academic Plan PhD"
      abbr: "apPHD"
      degree: "PHD"
      CIP_code: "999999"
      major_name: "Scientific Academics"
      major_code: "111110"
      degree_offered: PhD
      department: "Scientific Academics"
      program: no
      has_degree_product: yes # yes if a dissertation, thesis, etc. is required
      degree_product: "dissertation"
      has_committee: yes
      has_univ_rep: no
      has_proposal: no
      has_prelim: no
      has_comp_exam: no

# the "info" fields are probably useful for all plans

        - name: GST TrackID
          key: gst_trackid
          category: info
          value_type: integer
          note: each plan of each student is given a unique trackid in GST
          source: GST

        - name: Track Status
          key: status
          category: info
          value_type: text
          source: GST

        - name: Admit Term
          key: admit_term
          category: info
          value_type: term
          source: GST

        - name: Last Term
          key: last_term
          category: info
          value_type: term
          source: GST

        - name: Outcome Comment
          key: outcome_comment
          category: info
          value_type: text
          source: GST


      <<: *academic_plan_defaults
      plan_code: BIOLOGYPD
      name: "PhD"
      abbr: "PhD"
      degree: "PhD"
      degree_product: "dissertation"
      major_code: "111110"
      CIP_code: "260101"
      degree_offered: Doctorate
      major_name: "Biological Science"
      department: Biological Science
      has_univ_rep: true
      has_proposal: true
      has_prelim: true


        - name: Declare Major Professor
          category: requirement
          status_dot_file: dot_professor.html
          key: professor_declared_date
          value_type: date
          memo_url: http://www.bio.fsu.edu/grad/forms/word/MajorProfessorMemo.doc
          timing: end of Year 1
                key: admit_term
                overdue: 12
                overdue_text: "> 1st year in program"

        - name: Establish Committee
          category: requirement
          status_dot_file: dot_committee.html
          key: committee_established_date
          value_type: date
          memo_url: http://www.bio.fsu.edu/grad/forms/word/PhDCommitteeMemo.doc
          timing: start of Year 2
                key: admit_term
                overdue: 12
                overdue_text: "> 1st year in program"

        - name: Program of Studies
          category: requirement
          status_dot_file: dot_studies.html
          key: program_of_studies_approved_date
          value_type: date
          memo_url: http://www.bio.fsu.edu/grad/forms/word/ProgramOfStudies.doc
          note: "Your proposed coursework, approved by your Committee"
          timing: Year 2
          gst_id: 3
          attachment_name: Prog_Study
                key: admit_term
                warning: 12
                warning_text: "> 1st year in program"
                overdue: 24
                overdue_text: "> 2nd year in program"


        - name: Register for BSC 8964
          category: requirement
          status_dot_file: dot_boolean.html
          key: registered_for_bsc8964
          value_type: registration
          course_value: BSC8964
          note: You must register for this course in the term in which you hold your Preliminary Examination
          timing: start of Prelim Exam term