USAGE: node gst-to-gradphile
ACADORG should by GST organization code, eg. ‘ASBIO’ if ‘update’ indicates that pre-existing allstudents.json will be updated
combines output of fetch-gst-plans-extended (
chain in a bash script? get organization, login and password run fetch-gst subprograms put in errors if can’t find faculty file…
add rules for when we 1) generate allstudents de novo from gst vs. 2) update from gst (and which fields should be overwriten on update from gst)
add new fields from gst tracks & plans (indicated by //***** ) to academic_plan_codes.yaml schema add privacy flags to schemata/student_schema to include in directory, include photo, include address
Ask Dave Yancey: get test scores of inactive students as well get residency, gender, ethnicity scores on plans-extended (just like active tracks) get committees of inactive students as well get objects of inactive students as well ask about webservice for graduate faculty too
figure out academic_subplans
run or trigger refactor_plans.js to update dependent variables reconcile committees (to add first_name, last_name, dept, fsuid and email) with dept.faculty write interface to active directory to map emplid to FSUID
Command Lines Switches
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (typeof process.argv[2] == "undefined") {
console.log("You must specify the academic organization, eg ASBIO, as a command line argument");
console.log("USAGE: node " + process.argv[1] + " <ACADORG> ['update'] [FIXEDDATE MM/DD/YYYY]");
var org_abbr = process.argv[2];
var updating = false;
var FIXEDDATE = false;
var TODAYSDATE= new Date();
var faculty_path = __dirname + '/../source_data/dept/faculty.csv';
var output_students_path = __dirname+'/' + org_abbr + '_allstudents_old_format.json';
var pre_output_students_path = __dirname+'/' + org_abbr + '_allstudents_old_format_preupdate.json';
var input_students_path = __dirname + '/../source_data/students/allstudents_old_format.json';
// read command line options
for (let i = 0; i < process.argv.length; i++) {
if ("-i" == process.argv[i] && i < process.argv.length - 1) {
input_students_path = process.argv[i + 1];
if ("-o" == process.argv[i] && i < process.argv.length - 1) {
output_students_path = process.argv[i + 1];
if (-1 != process.argv[i].indexOf("update")) {
updating = process.argv[i].startsWith("-") ? false : true;
if (-1 != process.argv[i].indexOf("FIXEDDATE")) {
console.log("Date switch");
FIXEDDATE = process.argv[i].startsWith("-") ? false : true;
TODAYSDATE= new Date(process.argv[i+1]);
if (isNaN(TODAYSDATE)) {
console.log("BAD FIXEDDATE");
We need to read in fsuid and password from to query LDAP to look up committee members
const fs = require('fs');
const bc = require('../bc_utilities.js');
// login needed to retrieve ldap_info
var username_regex = new RegExp('FSUID=(.+)\n', 'gm');
var password_regex = new RegExp('PASSWORD=(.+)[\n$]', 'gm');
var secrets = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/").toString('utf8');
// console.log(secrets);
const password = password_regex.exec(secrets)[1];
const username = username_regex.exec(secrets)[1];
Date utilities
Useful for converting dates to GST termcodes for the current term, eg.
10/15/2019 -> 2019/9
GST and gradphile use several different codes to specific an academic term;
for easy comparison of terms, ie to find earliest term, or time between terms, the terms can be converted to an integer number of months from 0/0000 (although there was no year 0000)
- Spring 2019 -> (2019 * 12 + 1) = 24229 months
- Summer 2019 -> (2019 * 12 + 6) = 23234 months
- Fall 2019 -> (2019 * 12 + 9) = 24237 months
4-digit year + term index, eg.
- Spring 2019 -> 2019/1
- Summer 2019 -> 2019/6
- Fall 2019 -> 2019/9
fourdigit code
abbreviated form of term code, by eliminating the century digit from the year, eg
- Spring 2019 -> 2191 (== 2019/1)
- Fall 2019 -> 2199 (== 2019/9)
- Spring 1998 - > 1981 (== 1998/1)
- Fall 1998 -> 1989 (== 1998/9)
a more explicit key used in gradphile hashmaps:
- Spring 2019 -> 2019_spring
- Summer 2019 -> 2019_summer
- Fall 2019 -> 2019_fall
This program approximates terms use rough demarcations of 1/1, 5/1 and 8/25
(the actual dates for specific terms vary year to year, and are listed insource_data/univ/fsu-terms.yaml
So a date can be converted to a term
- if 8/25 or later -> fall term (“9”)
- if 5/1 or later -> summer term (“6”)
- else -> spring term (“1”)
var date_now = TODAYSDATE;
var todays_date = (date_now.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + date_now.getDate() + "/" + date_now.getFullYear();
var todays_date_string = date_now.toString();
function fourdigit2termcode(fourdigit) {
// fourdigit code leaves out century digit: 2019/9 -> 2199
if (0 == fourdigit.length) {
return null;
var month = fourdigit % 10;
var year_code = Math.floor(fourdigit / 10);
var year = Math.floor(year_code / 100) * 1000 + year_code % 100;
if (year < 2000) {
year += 900;
// console.log(fourdigit + " --> " + year.toString() + '/' + month.toString());
return year.toString() + '/' + month.toString();
function dayMonthYear2termcode(dayMonthYear) {
// daymonthyear dd-mm-YYYY
var month2Int = {
"JAN": 1,
"FEB": 2,
"MAR": 3,
"APR": 4,
"MAY": 5,
"JUN": 6,
"JUL": 7,
"AUG": 8,
"SEP": 9,
"OCT": 10,
"NOV": 11,
"DEC": 12
if (0 == dayMonthYear.length) {
return null;
var fields = dayMonthYear.split("-");
var date = parseInt(fields[0], 10);
var month = month2Int[fields[1]];
var year = parseInt(fields[2], 10) + 2000;
var term = 1;
if ((month == 8 && date > 25) || (month >= 9)) {
term = 9;
else if (month >= 5) {
term = 6;
// console.log(fourdigit + " --> " + year.toString() + '/' + month.toString());
return year.toString() + '/' + term.toString();
function termcode2months(termcode) {
let comp = termcode.split('/');
return parseInt(comp[0], 10) * 12 + parseInt(comp[1], 10);
Match Student
function match_student_with_gst_record_by_emplid(students, gst_record) {
// return a matching student, or create a new one and add it to students array
let record_id = parseInt(gst_record["EMPLID"], 10);
for (let i = 0; i < students.length; i++) {
var student = students[i];
//console.log("compare student " + students["emplid"] + " record " + record_id);
if (student["emplid"] == record_id) {
return students[i];
return null;
} // match_student_with_gst_record_by_emplid
Match Plan
function match_plan_with_gst_record_by_trackid(student, gst_record) {
// return a matching student, or create a new one and add it to students array
let track_id = parseInt(gst_record["STUDENTTRACKID"], 10);
var plan_keys = Object.keys(student['academic_plans']);
for (let i = 0; i < plan_keys.length; i++) {
var plan_code = plan_keys[i];
//console.log("compare student " + students["emplid"] + " record " + record_id);
if (student['academic_plans'][plan_code]["gst_trackid"] == track_id) {
return plan_code;
return null;
} // match_plan_with_gst_record_by_trackid
Update Students
- Update personal info from gst_record in gst_tracks.json
- Update student plan from gst_plans.json
- Update student committees from gst_cmtes.json
- Update progression items from gst_student_objects.json
- Update test scores from gst_testscores.json
Load GST Data
These file should have been previously downloaded by fetch-gst-*.js scripts, which connect to GST via SOAP interface and download a series of json files.
// var gst_tracks = require(__dirname+'/'+org_abbr+'_gst_active_tracks_extended.json');
// update_active_students_from_gst_tracks(allstudents,gst_tracks);
var gst_plans = bc.readJSONfromAppDir(__dirname,'/'+org_abbr+'_gst_student_plans_extended.json');
var gst_scores = bc.readJSONfromAppDir(__dirname,'/'+org_abbr+'_gst_testscores.json');
var gst_cmtes = bc.readJSONfromAppDir(__dirname,'/'+org_abbr+'_gst_cmtes.json');
var gst_objects = bc.readJSONfromAppDir(__dirname,'/'+org_abbr+'_gst_student_objects.json');
keep list of keys that need to be updated
function updatedFromGST(student,key) {
// keep track if student updated, and keep an array of updated keys, in a map accessed by today's date
if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(student.updated_gst_keys)) {
student.updated_gst_keys = {};
if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull( student.updated_gst_keys[todays_date_string])) {
student['_updated_from_gst'] = true;
student['_last_updated_from_gst'] = todays_date_string;
student.updated_gst_keys[todays_date_string] = [];
Update Personal Info
function update_active_students_from_gst_tracks(students, gst_tracks) {
for (var i = 0; i < gst_tracks.length; i++) {
var gst_record = gst_tracks[i];
let student = match_student_with_gst_record_by_emplid(students, gst_record);
if (null == student) {
// create a new student
student = {};
student["emplid"] = parseInt(gst_record["EMPLID"], 10);
student["academic_plans"] = {};
update_student_from_gst_record(student, gst_record);
// console.log(student);
} // next gst_record
} // update_active_students_from_gst_tracks
function update_student_from_gst_record(student, gst_record) {
// overwrite name, email, and address etc from gst
student["fsuid"] = gst_record["FSUID"].toLowerCase();
student['full_name'] = gst_record["STUDENTNAME"].trim();
var name_parts = student['full_name'].split(",");
name_parts[1] = name_parts[1].trim();
var first_name_parts = name_parts[1].split(" ");
if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(student['first_name'])) {
student['first_name'] = first_name_parts[0];
if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(student['last_name'])) {
student['last_name'] = name_parts[0].trim();
student["campus_email"] = gst_record["CAMP_EMAIL"]; //*****
student["preferred_email"] = gst_record["PREF_EMAIL"]; //*****
// TODO: make sure students know that they can put dept email as their preferred email
if (org_abbr != "ASBIO") {
student["email"] = gst_record["PREF_EMAIL"];
var address_lines = new Array;
if (gst_record["MAIL_ADDRESS1"].length > 0) {
if (gst_record["MAIL_ADDRESS2"].length > 0) {
if (gst_record["MAIL_CITY"].length > 0) {
if (gst_record["MAIL_STATE"].length > 0) {
if (gst_record["MAIL_POSTAL"].length > 0) {
student["address"] = "";
for (var i = 0; i < address_lines.length; i++) {
student["address"] = student["address"] + address_lines[i];
if (i < address_lines.length - 1) {
student["address"] = student["address"] + ", ";
student["idcard_image_url"] = "" + gst_record["IMAGE_NAME"];
if (typeof student["image_url"] == undefined || student["image_url"] == null) {
student["image_url"] = student["idcard_image_url"];
student["visa_permit_type"] = gst_record["VISA_PERMIT_TYPE"];
student["date_of_birth"] = gst_record["BIRTHDAY"];
student["country"] = gst_record["COUNTRY"];
if (bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(gst_record["GENDER"])) {
student["sex"] = gst_record["GENDER"];
if (bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(gst_record["RESIDENCY"])) {
student["residency_code"] = gst_record["RESIDENCY"];
if (bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(gst_record["ETHNIC_GRP_CD"])) {
student["ethnicity"] = gst_record["ETHNIC_GRP_CD"];
} // update_student_from_gst_record
Update Student Plans
function match_student_plan_with_gst_plan_code(student, gst_plan_code) {
if (Object.keys(student.academic_plans).includes(gst_plan_code)) {
return student.academic_plans[gst_plan_code];
return null;
} // match_student_plan_with_gst_plan_code
function update_students_from_gst_plans(students, gst_plans) {
for (var i = 0; i < gst_plans.length; i++) {
var gst_plan = gst_plans[i];
let student = match_student_with_gst_record_by_emplid(students, gst_plan);
if (null == student) {
// create a new student
student = {};
student["emplid"] = parseInt(gst_plan["EMPLID"], 10);
student["academic_plans"] = {};
// TODO: add initial plan code (or fake it?)
update_student_from_gst_record(student, gst_plan);
update_plan_from_gst_plan(student, gst_plan);
} // next gst_record
} // update_plans_from_gst_plans
function update_plan_from_gst_plan(student, gst_plan) {
// need all actve fields for past students too
var gst_plan_code = gst_plan["LAST_ACAD_PLAN"];
var plan = match_student_plan_with_gst_plan_code(student, gst_plan_code);
if (null == plan) {
// console.log("PLAN MISMATCH " + student.last_name + " " + student.fsuid + " " + gst_plan_code);
plan = {};
student.academic_plans[gst_plan_code] = plan;
// console.log('about to get admit_term: ' + gst_plan["ADMIT_TERM"]);
let admit_term = fourdigit2termcode(gst_plan["ADMIT_TERM"]);
// console.log('about to get last_term: ' + gst_plan["COMPLETION_TERM"]);
let last_term = null; // last_term will be null if status is "Discontinued" or "Deceased"
"Active in Program"
"Leave of Absence"
"Completed Program"
"Dismissed" ? haven't seen
if (gst_plan["PROG_STATUS_TEXT"] == "Completed Program") {
last_term = fourdigit2termcode(gst_plan["COMPLETION_TERM"]);
else if (gst_plan["PROG_STATUS_TEXT"] == "Deceased") {
if (bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(gst_plan["DISCONTINUED"])) {
last_term = dayMonthYear2termcode(gst_plan["DISCONTINUED"]);
// but discontinued may not be entered for deceased
if (null == last_term) {
last_term = "2014/9"; // for Yize Shao fsuid ys11b
else if (gst_plan["PROG_STATUS_TEXT"] != "Active in Program" && gst_plan["PROG_STATUS_TEXT"] != "Leave of Absence") {
// catch everything else?
if (null == last_term && bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(gst_plan["DISCONTINUED"])) {
// TODO: current GST doesn't give a completion term unless the student completed,
// so we have to fake for did not finish students...
// 3/2018: Yancey extended to "Discontinued" students,
// but not for dismissed or deceased?
last_term = dayMonthYear2termcode(gst_plan["DISCONTINUED"]);
//console.log(gst_plan["STUDENTNAME"] + " discontinued: " + gst_plan["DISCONTINUED"] + " -> " + last_term);
if (("DISCONTINUED" in gst_plan) && gst_plan["DISCONTINUED"].length > 0) {
plan["discontinued"] = dayMonthYear2termcode(gst_plan["DISCONTINUED"]);
else {
plan["discontinued"] = null;
// NOTE: we don't trust GST admit terms, because they set it to time of admission after a major plan change?
// but we trust GST last terms, because they know when student officially graduated/left
plan["gst_admit_term"] = admit_term;
plan["gst_last_term"] = last_term;
if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(plan["admit_term"])) {
plan["admit_term"] = admit_term;
else if (plan["admit_term"] != admit_term) {
plan["admit_term_mismatch"] = plan["admit_term"] + " <-> gst: " + admit_term;
if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(plan["last_term"])) {
plan["last_term"] = last_term;
else if (plan["last_term"] != last_term) {
plan["last_term_mismatch"] = plan["last_term"] + " <-> gst: " + last_term;
plan["last_term"] = last_term;
if (last_term != null) {
// TODO: translate gst status to gradphile outcomes, or vice versa
// TODO: check if student just switched plans, so -> transferred
var gst_status_to_gradphile_outcome = {
"Completed Program": "graduated",
"Discontinued": "did not finish",
"Dismissed": "did not finish",
"Deceased": "did not finish"
if (null != gst_status_to_gradphile_outcome[gst_plan["PROG_STATUS_TEXT"]]) {
plan['outcome'] = gst_status_to_gradphile_outcome[gst_plan["PROG_STATUS_TEXT"]];
plan['outcome_comment'] = gst_plan["PROG_STATUS_TEXT"];
plan["status"] = gst_plan["PROG_STATUS_TEXT"]; //*****
plan["campus"] = gst_plan["CAMPUS"]; //*****
plan["academic_career"] = gst_plan["ACAD_CAREER"]; //*****
plan["academic_career_text"] = gst_plan["ACAD_CAREER_TEXT"]; //*****
plan["career_number"] = gst_plan["STDNT_CAR_NBR"]; //*****
plan["academic_subplans"] = new Array; //*****
if (gst_plan["LAST_ACAD_SUBPLAN"].length > 0) {
let subplan = {};
subplan["academic_subplan"] = gst_plan["LAST_ACAD_SUBPLAN"]; //*****
subplan["academic_subplan_name"] = gst_plan["ACAD_SUBPLAN_TEXT"]; //*****
if (gst_plan["LAST_ACAD_SUBPLAN2"].length > 0) {
let subplan = {};
subplan["academic_subplan"] = gst_plan["LAST_ACAD_SUBPLAN2"]; //*****
subplan["academic_subplan_name"] = gst_plan["ACAD_SUBPLAN2_TEXT"]; //*****
if (gst_plan["LAST_ACAD_SUBPLAN3"].length > 0) {
let subplan = {};
subplan["academic_subplan"] = gst_plan["LAST_ACAD_SUBPLAN3"]; //*****
subplan["academic_subplan_name"] = gst_plan["LAST_ACAD_SUBPLAN3_TEXT"]; //*****
if (plan["academic_subplans"].length == 0) {
plan["academic_subplans"] = null;
plan["degree_checkout_status"] = gst_plan["CHKOUT_STAT_TEXT"]; //*****
plan["gst_trackid"] = gst_plan["STUDENTTRACKID"]; //*****
plan["academic_program"] = gst_plan["LAST_ACAD_PROG"]; //*****
plan["academic_program_text"] = gst_plan["ACAD_PROG_TEXT"]; //*****
if (gst_plan["DOCTORALCANDIDATE"] == "Y") {
plan["candidacy_term"] = gst_plan["ADMCANDIDACYYEAR"] + "/" + parseInt(gst_plan["ADMCANDIDACYMONTH"],10);
// TODO: run through plan and null out all zero-length fields
} // update_plan_from_gst_plan
Update Committees
function update_committees_from_gst_cmtes(students, gst_cmtes) {
for (var trackid in gst_cmtes) {
var gst_cmte = gst_cmtes[trackid];
var gst_record = {};
gst_record["EMPLID"] = gst_cmtes[trackid][0]['EMPLID_STU'];
// console.log(gst_cmtes[trackid]);
// console.log("EMPLID_STU: " + gst_cmtes[trackid][0]['EMPLID_STU']);
// console.log("CMTE Trackid: " + trackid + " emplid: " + gst_record["EMPLID"]);
var student = match_student_with_gst_record_by_emplid(students, gst_record);
// console.log("CMTE Trackid: " + trackid + " emplid: " + gst_record["EMPLID"] + " " + student.last_name)
if (null != student) {
update_student_from_gst_cmte(student, trackid, gst_cmte);
} // next gst_record
} // update_committees_from_gst_cmtes
function update_student_from_gst_cmte(student, trackid, gst_cmte) {
for (let plan_code in student.academic_plans) {
var plan = student.academic_plans[plan_code];
// console.log(plan["gst_trackid"] + '==' + gst_cmte[0]["STUDENTTRACKID"]);
if (plan["gst_trackid"] == gst_cmte[0]["STUDENTTRACKID"]) {
if (gst_cmte.length > 0) {
// overwrite pre-exisiting local committees
plan["chair"] = null;
plan["co_chair1"] = null;
plan["co_chair2"] = null;
plan["univ_rep"] = null;
plan["members"] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < gst_cmte.length; i++) {
let gst_member = gst_cmte[i];
let member = {};
member["name"] = gst_member["FACULTYNAME"];
member["full_name"] = gst_member["FACULTYNAME"];
member["emplid"] = parseInt(gst_member["EMPLID_FAC"], 10);
member["updated"] = gst_member["DATEUPDATED"];
if (gst_member["ROLE"] == "C") {
plan["chair"] = member;
if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(plan["professor_declared_date"])) {
plan["professor_declared_date"] = gst_member["DATEUPDATED"];
else if (gst_member["ROLE"] == "X") {
if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(plan["professor_declared_date"])) {
plan["professor_declared_date"] = gst_member["DATEUPDATED"];
if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(plan["co_chair1"])) {
plan["co_chair1"] = member;
else {
plan["co_chair2"] = member;
else if (gst_member["ROLE"] == "O") {
plan["univ_rep"] = member;
else if (gst_member["ROLE"] == "M") {
if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(plan["committee_established_date"])) {
plan["committee_established_date"] = gst_member["DATEUPDATED"];
} // next gst_member
} // has some committee members
} // found track
} // next plan
} // update_student_from_gst_cmte
Update Committee Faculty Members
GST only has name and emplid of the committee members.
Here we add the department, fsuid, and email from the local gradphile _data/dept/faculty file, or by querying the LDAP server
REVISION: just use LDAP server…
function reconcile_committees_with_faculty_data(students) {
// var parse = require('csv-parse/lib/sync');
// var faculty_csv = fs.readFileSync(faculty_path);
// var faculty = parse(faculty_csv, {
// 'columns': true,
// 'objname': "fsuid"
// });
// console.log(faculty);
for (var i = 0; i < students.length; i++) {
var student = students[i];
for (var plan_code in student.academic_plans) {
var plan = student.academic_plans[plan_code];
reconcile_plan_committee(plan, null);
} // reconcile_committees_with_faculty_data
function reconcile_plan_committee(plan, faculty) {
if (bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(plan["chair"])) {
match_member_with_faculty(plan["chair"], faculty);
if (bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(plan["co_chair1"])) {
match_member_with_faculty(plan["co_chair1"], faculty);
if (bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(plan["co_chair2"])) {
match_member_with_faculty(plan["co_chair2"], faculty);
if (bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(plan["univ_rep"])) {
match_member_with_faculty(plan["univ_rep"], faculty);
if (bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(plan["members"])) {
// console.log(plan["members"]);
for (var i = 0; i < plan["members"].length; i++) {
match_member_with_faculty(plan["members"][i], faculty);
// plan["members"] = remove_duplicate_members(plan["members"]);
function match_member_with_faculty(member, faculty) {
if (member['dept'] && member['fsuid'] && member['email']) {
var foundProf = false;
// for (var prof_key in faculty) {
// var prof = faculty[prof_key];
// //console.log(member["emplid"] + " == " + prof.emplid);
// if ((parseInt(member["emplid"], 10) == parseInt(prof.emplid, 10)) ||
// (member["fsuid"] == prof.fsuid)) {
// member['emplid'] = prof.emplid;
// member['dept'] = prof.dept;
// member['fsuid'] = prof.fsuid;
// member['email'] =;
// foundProf = true;
// break;
// }
// }
if (!foundProf && member['emplid']) {
// try getting from ldap
// console.log(faculty);
// console.log(member);
var ldap_info = bc.getLDAPInfo(username, password, member["emplid"]);
// console.log("ldapinfo: " + JSON.stringify(ldap_info, null, " "));
if (null != ldap_info.fsuid) {
member['fsuid'] = ldap_info.fsuid;
else {
member['fsuid'] = member['emplid'];
if (null != ldap_info.department) {
member['dept'] = ldap_info.department;
if (null != {
member['email'] =;
if (null != ldap_info.givenName) {
member['givenName'] = ldap_info.givenName;
} // looked up in ldap
} // match_member_with_faculty
Update Progression Items
function update_progression_from_gst_objects(students, gst_objects) {
for (var i = 0; i < gst_objects.length; i++) {
var gst_object = gst_objects[i];
var student = match_student_with_gst_record_by_emplid(students, gst_object);
if (null != student) {
var plan_code = match_plan_with_gst_record_by_trackid(student, gst_object);
if (null != plan_code) {
update_student_from_gst_object(student, plan_code, gst_object);
} // next gst_record
function update_student_from_gst_object(student, plan_code, gst_object) {
"STUDENTNAME": "Darrow, Emily M",
"EMPLID": "000076998",
"ACADPLANTEXT": "Biological Science - PHD",
"STATUSDESCR": "Completed *",
"SORTCODE": "1",
"gst_id": "3",
"plan_key": "program_of_studies_approved_date"
let plan = student['academic_plans'][plan_code];
let plan_key = gst_object.plan_key;
let value_type = gst_object.value_type;
// TODO: how to handle "completed" objects that have no date?
if ("" != gst_object["OBJECTDATE"]) {
// TODO: make sure date is in expected format: MM/dd/YYYY
plan[plan_key] = gst_object["OBJECTDATE"];
else if ("C" == gst_object["OBJECTSTATUS"] || "P" == gst_object["OBJECTSTATUS"] || "E" == gst_object["OBJECTSTATUS"]) {
// don't overwrite if we already have it in local gradbeta database
if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(plan[plan_key])) {
if ("date" == value_type) {
plan[plan_key] = todays_date;
else {
plan[plan_key] = gst_object["STATUSDESCR"];
Update Test Scores
function update_scores_from_gst_scores(students, gst_scores) {
for (var i = 0; i < gst_scores.length; i++) {
var gst_score = gst_scores[i];
var student = match_student_with_gst_record_by_emplid(students, gst_score);
if (null != student) {
update_student_from_gst_score(student, gst_score);
} // next gst_record
} // update_scores_from_gst_scores
function update_student_from_gst_score(student, gst_score) {
if (gst_score["TEST_TYPE"] == "GRE") {
if (gst_score["SUBJECT_TEST_DESC"] == "Verbal (Prior to 8/1/11)") {
student["GRE_verbal"] = gst_score["TEST_SCORE"];
if (gst_score["SUBJECT_TEST_DESC"] == "Quantitative (Prior to 8/1/11)") {
student["GRE_quantitative"] = gst_score["TEST_SCORE"];
if (gst_score["SUBJECT_TEST_DESC"] == "Verbal") {
student["GRE_verbal"] = gst_score["TEST_SCORE"];
if (gst_score["SUBJECT_TEST_DESC"] == "Quantitative") {
student["GRE_quantitative"] = gst_score["TEST_SCORE"];
if (gst_score["SUBJECT_TEST_DESC"] == "Writing") {
student["GRE_writing"] = gst_score["TEST_SCORE"];
if (gst_score["TEST_TYPE"] == "TOEFL") {
if (gst_score["SUBJECT_TEST_DESC"] == "IBT Listening") {
student["toefl_listen"] = gst_score["TEST_SCORE"];
if (gst_score["SUBJECT_TEST_DESC"] == "IBT Reading") {
student["toefl_read"] = gst_score["TEST_SCORE"];
if (gst_score["SUBJECT_TEST_DESC"] == "IBT Speaking") {
student["toefl_speak"] = gst_score["TEST_SCORE"];
if (gst_score["SUBJECT_TEST_DESC"] == "IBT Total Score") {
student["toefl"] = gst_score["TEST_SCORE"];
if (gst_score["SUBJECT_TEST_DESC"] == "IBT Writing") {
student["toefl_write"] = gst_score["TEST_SCORE"];
} // update_student_from_gst_score
Reset and Valid First (admit) and Last Terms
function reset_admit_and_last_term(student) {
var earliest_admit_months = 99999;
var latest_last_months = -1;
var has_active_plan = false;
student["gst_track_id"] = [];
student["all_tracks"] = {};
for (let plan_code in student.academic_plans) {
let plan = student.academic_plans[plan_code];
// console.log(student.fsuid + " " + plan.admit_term);
let admit_months = termcode2months(plan.admit_term);
if (admit_months < earliest_admit_months) {
earliest_admit_months = admit_months;
if (bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(plan.last_term)) {
let last_months = termcode2months(plan.last_term);
if (last_months > latest_last_months) {
latest_last_months = last_months;
student["all_tracks"][plan["gst_trackid"]] = plan_code;
if (plan.status == "Active in Program" && bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(plan.last_term)) {
has_active_plan = true;
// TODO: allow for multiple plans with plan code...
// if (bc.isUndefinedOrIsNull(student["academic_plan_code"])) {
// student["academic_plan_code"] = [];
// }
// student["academic_plan_code"].push(plan_code);
student["academic_plan_code"] = plan_code;
if (null != plan["discontinued"]) {
student["discontinued"] = plan["discontinued"];
// NOTE: does a student only have 1 final discontinued?
if (latest_last_months > 0 && !has_active_plan) {
student["last_term"] = Math.floor(latest_last_months / 12) + '/' + latest_last_months % 12;
else {
student["last_term"] = null;
if (earliest_admit_months < 99999) {
student["admit_term"] = Math.floor(earliest_admit_months / 12) + '/' + earliest_admit_months % 12;
} // reset_admit_and_last_term
Load Current Student data
if the “updating” option is included, the we read in allstudents_old_format.json from source_data/students/, and the GST data will be merged with the current data.
If not “updating”, then a de novo allstudents array is instantiated.
var allstudents;
if (updating) {
allstudents = bc.readJSON(input_students_path);
allstudents.sort(function(a,b) {
if (a.fsuid < b.fsuid) {
return -1;
if (a.fsuid > b.fsuid) {
return 1;
return 0;
fs.writeFileSync(pre_output_students_path, JSON.stringify(allstudents, null, '\t'));
else {
allstudents = new Array;
Do the Updating.
Clean up
Make sure the admit_term and last_term keys are consistent.
Remove any undefined, null, or empty objects.
for (let i = 0; i< allstudents.length;i++) {
Save Updated Students
sort into fsuid order. if updating from mongodb file, remove _id keys
// sort by fsuid
allstudents.sort(function(a,b) {
if (a.fsuid < b.fsuid) {
return -1;
if (a.fsuid > b.fsuid) {
return 1;
return 0;
if (updating) {
// delete mongo id to allow for uploading back into mongo
allstudents.forEach(function(a) {
if (bc.notUndefinedAndNotNull(a["_id"])) {
delete a["_id"];
fs.writeFile(output_students_path,JSON.stringify(allstudents, null, '\t'),function(err) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
); // fsWrite
console.log("\ngst-to-gradphile: found " + allstudents.length + " student records\n\n");