Admissions Overview

see help/admissions overview for quick guide

slate query csv file and zip file of slate applications pdf are uploaded via Jedi to /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/uploaded_files

/Sites/uploaded_files is watched by LaunchDemon, which calls convert_slate_files.command


has HAND-CODED term

calls slate_to_gradphile.js, which converts slate query to json expected by gradphile in ./jekyll/_data/admissions_data/$ADMISSION_TERM/applicants.json

unzip is called to put applicant pdfs into ./jekyll/applicant_pdfs/$ADMISSION_TERM/ (the files are also rsynced directely to epsilon for faster updating)

then padawan-trip-wire is touched.


cp bio_applicants.json applicants.json

unzip -B

rsync --delete -rlcvz 2019_fall/