GradDev Auto-Build System

Mac Setup

Only requirements are Docker and passwordless SSH Key access to

Docker requires macOS 10.14+ (Mojave+):

  • Install Docker
  • Set to Auto Start
    (Docker > Preferences > General > Automatically start Docker...)
  • Allow access to /Library/WebServer
    (Docker > Resources > File-Sharing)
  • Create /Library/WebServer/graddev with user write access
  • Place Firebase secret config in /Library/WebServer/graddev/fire-config.php
    (reference by symbolic link from gradbeta/gradfire/fire-config.php)

SSH Key access is tested by the start.command script. If the tests fail, contact the BC IT Department for assistance.

Build & Launch

Run the start.command script. This creates the image graddev and the container graddev_bot (Note: The first build can take significant time/cpu/bandwidth). The build won't overwrite a running container, so stop graddev_bot before re-building.

Alternatively, start with the command:

docker-compose up --detach

Once running, use the Docker Dashboard to stop/start, or shell into the graddev project. The graddev_bot container is configured to run continuously until stopped, even across reboots.